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Spell: Whale Road

Categories: beneficial magic + elemental magic (water) + bath spell

Purpose: protection for a journey


In the well-known Old English saga Beowulf, there is an epithet for the ocean that is often translated into modern English as whale road. Sailors and raiders of yore traversed the whale road aboard longships, and the whales themselves—especially the familiar humpback whale—conduct epic annual migrations (sometimes more than 3,000 miles) to bring their pods to more bountiful feeding grounds and gentler, warmer waters where their calves can be born. The humpbacks' extraordinary journeys happens every year around the globe. (You can learn more about humpback whales here).

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If you are embarking on a voyage or journey of some kind toward an unknown territory or new stage of your life, then this spell is for you. This spell is for gathering your courage and fortifying your spirit against the hardships of a long journey—whether that journey be emotional, physical, or spiritual—and knowing that, sooner rather than later, you will find safe harbor.

This is a bath/shower spell that can be performed by closet witches who must hide their Craft, and it draws upon the power of the whale road and the humpbacks who travel those broad avenues on the regular. It is ideal for sea witches, as well as any magical practitioner who feels an affinity for the element of water.

Spell: Whale Road

You will need:


Take yourself to your bathroom of choice. Ideally, this is a quiet, private place where you can light your candle(s) and play some music to relax as you wash. (Relaxation is important for this spell). If you are living in a dormitory and/or have a communal bathroom, this spell may be a bit more difficult—but it isn't impossible! If you aren't allowed to use traditional candles in your space, consider battery-powered electric ones... but please keep them away from the water!

If you aren't already clean, wash yourself and perform whatever hair care is appropriate for your hair texture. If your hair cannot be wet for an extended period of time (i.e. at least 15-20 minutes), cover it now.

Light or turn on the candles if you are using them (following all electrical and/or fire safety procedures), and fill the tub/turn on the shower. Play soothing music or (even better) some whale song if you are able. Use your shower bomb/bath bomb/shower steamer/bath salts now, if you are using them. Get into the water. If you are using a tub, lie back into the water and relax as much as you are able. If you're using a shower stall, feel free to sit down in a shower chair or another a clean surface as you relax.

If you feel safe doing so, close your eyes. If not, soften your gaze. Ruminate on the journey that lies ahead, what you need to do, and/or where you need to go as the warm water surrounds your. Think of whales braving the depths of the shark-haunted and storm-wracked open ocean to reach their ancestral feeding and childrearing waters every year. Think of the instincts that compel them and the pod matriarchs that lead them across multiple thousands of miles to reach these places. Think of their singing as they travel. You are just as strong as they are! You can reach your destination and find safe harbor, and you can do so with a song in your heart.

When the strength of the whales has sufficiently filled you, turn off the water, extinguish the candles, and shut off the music. Clean up your bathroom, get dressed, and re-enter the terrestrial world with new strength to brave the perils of the whale road.