Library of the Scholar Witch

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Hello and welcome. I'm Haven Woodrose, the scholar witch in question here. This online repository of information about the modern practice of witchcraft as it applies to my own path is free for anyone to peruse and hopefully gain some knowledge from. Think of this Neocities website like a digital grimoire where you can learn about (or at least browse) the life and metaphysical workings of a modern witch.

It needs must be said that I don't do every kind of magic under the stars. I'm white, so I cannot practice hoodoo or Vodou—those are traditions that are only open to Black folks within specific branches of the African diaspora. Likewise, I'm also a gentile, so I cannot dabble in Kabbalah, since that often-appropriated branch of metaphysical study is relegated to Jewish scholars of the Torah.

I'm not Wiccan either, and I don't work with their deities or incorporate the Wheel of the Year into my path. I also don't obey the Wiccan Rede (an' it harm none, do as ye will) and have no compunctions about using baneful magic when the need arises. The reason I call myself a scholar witch is because I dabble in a bit of everything that isn't a closed tradition and I love learning new things in order to broaden my understanding of the world.

If those previous paragraphs were extremely confusing and you have no idea what I'm talking about, then you can look here (link coming soon) for a general primer about modern witchcraft and a non-exhaustive glossary of various bits of occult terminology.